Monsoon Wooding 2009 successfully kicked off with a Sapling Distribution Drive at Khan Market on June 11, 2009. Before the drive the volunteers gathered together for a short brainstorming session.

Despite the Heat, around 30 volunteers gathered to distribute close to 150 saplings of Putranjiva or the Lucky Bean Tree to raise money for subsequent events. Most importantly we got to talk to a large number of people about the campaign.

It turned to be an excellent event with a lot of support from the volunteers and was the perfect beginning to Monsoon Wooding-09.

After the success of the Distribution Drive, the Wooders gathered at the Ashoka Park in New Friends Colony at 6 o' clock in the morning for this year's first plantation drive. It wasn't easy to dig pits and plant trees, but it turned out to be a lot of fun.

It was hearting to see the response we got from local residents who came in large numbers to support the event. In less than 3 hours we successfully planted 50 saplings of Gulmohur and Alestonia. The RWA of New Friends Colony is very supportive of our campaign and have ensured us that they would take care of the trees post the plantation.

The Work is not over though, this city needs a lot more greens. Please call us or email us to let us know if your locality, school or college can take in a few new saplings. We also need as many volunteers as possible, do join the Wooders in our future events and Drives.
Call us at 9811854595 and write in at .
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