Sapling Distribution at Khan Market
10:20 PM | Author: Chief Wooder

The Wooders met at Khan Market on 24 May to garner support for their campaign. We distributed close to 200 saplings. But more importantly we talked to an even larger number of people about Monsoon Wooding and the driving force behind it. In the process we managed to gain an insight about what the citizens of Delhi think about infrastructure developement and the consequent damage to the environment.

While one lady was completely opposed to Delhi Metro and felt that improving the present public transport system would have sufficed to ease traffic problems in Delhi, another gentleman had a completely contrary view. He felt that felling trees was inevitable if we wanted Delhi to be a world class city. Getting to know so many diverging views was quite an experience!

While our volunteers spread around the market distributing saplings and talking to people, Vimlendu Jha (Founder and Executive Director, Swechha) and Sunny Verma (Program Co-ordinator) moved through the market singing songs about change and social responsibility. They attracted a large audience and forced even the most disintersted shoppers to abandon their indifference.

It was a very successful event, covered by NDTV, and we came back home knowing there are lots of kindred wooders loose in the city!

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