2:24 PM | Author: Chief Wooder

‘There is so no such thing as a free lunch.’ One of the basic tenets of Economics (implying that there is an opportunity cost attached to everything); this is epitomized in the rapid infrastructure development Delhi is witnessing at the moment. The Delhi Metro, preparations for the Commonwealth Games, construction of flyovers, are a step in the right direction towards making Delhi a world class city. But, this comes at a HUGE cost.

29, 360 trees have been felled so far to make way for the Delhi Metro. 7, 508 are about to meet the same fate. Delhi’s green cover is 10.2%, way below the minimum requirement of 33%. There is only one tree left for every 350 people in Delhi.

In an attempt to restore Delhi’s green cover, Monsoon Wooding was launched in 2005 by Sweccha-We for Change foundation. It aims to bring together volunteers who wish to see Delhi’s tree cover expand and to give them a platform to realize their plans.
Because we also want trees in our world class city.

Our course of action is outlined by the 3 P’s:
PLANT – anywhere, everywhere!
PROTECT – trees that have been reduced to billboards.
PROMOTE – tree welfare, because knowledge is power!

Through our initiatives we plan to achieve the following –
1. Planting a target number of trees to make up for those lost in the name of development.
2. Saving existing trees from dying out and ensuring their protection.
3. Sensitizing the youth and the rest of the civil society of Delhi about the seriousness of Delhi’s depleting green cover.
4. Building a huge network of young volunteers who are ready to come forward and participate in similar environmental campaigns as and when the need arises.
5. Attracting the State’s attention towards the efforts of young people and convincing it to take necessary steps to create a greener Delhi.

Getting Involved:
There are several ways in which you can help make Delhi a little greener!

What YOU can do everyday

1. Planting and nurturing a tree requires about a minute a day and a mug of water, plant a new one!
2. Adopt a tree and save it from damage such as nailing, tiling and concretization around its bark.
3. Tell us of areas where trees are under duress and help restore the damage by funding a tree plantation.
4. Be aware and spread awareness!

What we can do together – Volunteering

1. Saving trees
Nailing trees harms trees in more than one way. Nails harm tissues that are responsible for transporting water and nutrients. They also open up wounds that are extremely susceptible to pests. Also, copper from the nail gets converted to copper sulphate which is extremely poisonous for the tree.
You will find many such trees in commercial areas like GK and Green Park where advertisements have been hung from trees. We plan to go and denail such trees and in the process spread awareness about this issue.

2. Planting trees.
To make up for the shocking number of trees that have been cut down, we plan to carry out the following:

1. Plantation Drives: In the Delhi Ridge, in school and college campuses, in local parks, etc. In short, anywhere and everywhere
2. Creation of Model Parks: Most localities in Delhi have neglected playgrounds and land lying waste. We will transform them into lush & innerving centers of greenery.
3. Creation of Oxygen Belts: Rubbish Heaps are an eyesore. So, to remedy that we will garner large numbers and convert these into thriving oxygen belts.
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On May 24, 2008 at 12:45 PM , CS Aashima Gupta said...

Hi! indeed a grt intitiative.well lets have volunteers in diffeent areas..in and around del..lets make a campaign a hit during dse dys especially..by making kids..skol going ...the wodder-champs..planting,distributing and denailing trees...thye dnt only pomote the cause bt also easily pursuda others to do d same...their parents, and relatives..it ll b a big hit...


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